Hello, How are you doing? My name is Kofi Archampong. I am Ghanian but I work and live in Calabar. I write you this morning with a funny but serious issue.
My wife is an Arsenal fan while I am a Man United fan. Normally that shouldn't be a problem. However, the fact that I know that she became an Arsenal fan because her ex was an Arsenal fan is what kills me. She never supported any club till she met her ex who enticed her into Arsenal. I have told her severally to stop rooting for Arsenal but she says she prefers their style of play and just loves the club. you need to see her yesternight when arsenal was playing.I don't want to appear like a chauvinist but why can't she just change her club? Does she still have a soft spot for her ex? We have just been married for 6 months. It seems like a trivial thing but it's killing me even though she tells me she loves me. I just can't help wondering if it's because there is still some lingering affection for her ex. Her ex was unfaithful to her repeatedly and that's why they broke up. Please could you guys offer some advice? Thanks.
My wife is an Arsenal fan while I am a Man United fan. Normally that shouldn't be a problem. However, the fact that I know that she became an Arsenal fan because her ex was an Arsenal fan is what kills me. She never supported any club till she met her ex who enticed her into Arsenal. I have told her severally to stop rooting for Arsenal but she says she prefers their style of play and just loves the club. you need to see her yesternight when arsenal was playing.I don't want to appear like a chauvinist but why can't she just change her club? Does she still have a soft spot for her ex? We have just been married for 6 months. It seems like a trivial thing but it's killing me even though she tells me she loves me. I just can't help wondering if it's because there is still some lingering affection for her ex. Her ex was unfaithful to her repeatedly and that's why they broke up. Please could you guys offer some advice? Thanks.
That husband is just a troublesome insecure somebody. leave her alone jo. she likes it, she likes it. end of story