Meet Chris, the Scotsman who CYCLED into Benin City, Nigeria all the way from Europe!

I met him at a bank (UBA) and noticed him fumbling with one of the ATMs. My friend initiated the introductions and the following conversation ensued. 

ME: Good to meet you, Chris. What do you do? 

CHRIS: I'm an adventurer from Scotland and I cycled here from Europe. 
ME: Whhaaaaaat? How did you manage that? 

CHRIS: I took a ferry from Spain into Morocco and cycled all the way into West Africa. I came in through Benin Republic. They had really great curry. 

ME: Soooo do you like the experience so far? 

CHRIS: Oh yes. The policemen on the highway have been especially wonderful. I met a couple of them at Ore (on my way into Benin city) and they bought me a couple of beers. I'm feeling rather lightheaded now. 

**we all laugh** 

CHRIS CONTINUED: All I have is my wallet and my smartphone. The phone is just for my GPS-assisted maps. It doesn't have an internet connection because data is very expensive here. I update my blog and check my email from cybercafes. 

ME: You have a blog? 

ME: So where are you headed now? 

CHRIS: I'm cycling off to Calabar to get my Cameroonian Visa. I'll head to Cameroon and then to Gabon. 

ME: It's been enlightening speaking with you, Chris. Stay safe. 

Lesson Learned: Abundance wears many faces.
