Insights on the lost match (NOTABLE NIGERIANS EXPRESS CONCERN)

Our dear honourable patrick had this to say at a press conference he called around 2am today at an undiclosed location

Even this patriotic professor at the University of Ibadan, Animal department was disapointed

Our dearly beloved sister went in shock after the tragic incident

Even our very own Mr Wellington couldnt hold back.

Doctor Nkem, with the big back yard prescribed a possible treatment

Bbm forums and comments kept pouring in........ Like i actually watched the match.... *nose in the air*

But wait o..... My private investigations into the matter revealed that, principalities and powers beyond our control were involved.....

Brother Brown sef lost confidence in the Eagles

Our correspondence @fi_racksey reporting live from God-knows-where

Na waaa!!!

It is well...... And that is all I have to say..... *winks*
